Tongue Tied
Tongue Tied

"Hey, Kryten! That crazy question you asked. I've got the answer! Do Siamese sisters get whiskers in stasis? Nah, they don't!"
- Taiwan Tony ("Fathers & Suns...")

Dispenser 55, or just 55, was an A.I. vending machine on the JMC mining spaceship Red Dwarf. Located on G Deck and close to the Machine Room, Dispenser 55 specialised in snacks such as crisps and sweets.



When Dave Lister found a video of a pre-recorded pig race, he put a bet on with Dispenser 55. The Cat noticed that Lister was watching the pig race in the Drive Room, and Lister explained what he was doing. However, Lister's pig lost, so Lister owed the vending machine 100 DollarPounds. ("Trojan", Series X)


Dispenser 55 was on the receiving end of a game of Chinese whispers that had involved the Dwarfers and all the other vending machines. The original question had been "Are Chinese whispers racist?"; 55 eventually relayed this as "Do Siamese sisters get whiskers in stasis?" At the time, the Dwarfers had grouped on G Deck in an attempt to break into the Machine Room and unplug the maniacal computer Pree; however, they found they were unable to do so. Just as they were about to be crushed by garbage droids under the command of Pree, Dispenser 55's mention of stasis helped Lister think of a plan to convince Pree to uninstall herself. Lister's quick thinking worked, and just in time. ("Fathers & Suns", Series X)


  • Taiwan Tony on B Deck hated Dispenser 55. Explaining why to Kryten, Taiwan Tony said that it was because he made all his own food, yet Dispenser 55 was "All pre-package! All microwave!"

See Also[]
