Low Rimmer was a version of Arnold Rimmer created by the Triplicator.
He had all of his positive aspects removed. He was sadistic and seemed to enjoy causing pain sexually. He wore fetish gear including a corset, a spiked collar and stockings and wielded a holowhip . He appears to be gay judging by his remarks to Lister, reinforcing the normal Rimmer's attraction to Lister.
Low Rimmer is probably the most frightening of the Lows. He has black hair and a diagonal H on his forehead, (meaning he is a Hologram), it’s also the only thing that connects him with his original. He wears fetish gear including a corset, a spiked collar and stockings. He is sadistic and perverted and seems to love causing pain sexually. According to his sexist remarks to Lister, he might be gay or bisexual. He uses a Holowhip to hurt others.
When the Triplicator creates two versions of the Red Dwarf ship and its crew, Low Rimmer appears on the Low ship with his friends; Low Lister, Low Cat, Low Kryten, and Low Holly. As nothing works on their ship, the Lows decide to take the High ship, sending a fake call for help to deceive the High versions of themselves.
Meanwhile, the original crew lands on the High ship to get the Triplicator, only to find out there are only half of the component present, meaning they must travel to the Low ship.
After the original crew and High versions arrive on the Low ship, they are immediately attacked by Lows. High Kryten is shot several times and then blown up with a grenade along with High Cat. Lister runs off into the cargo bay where he bumps into the Lows. After Low Rimmer hits him with a Holowhip, he loses consciousness.
Later, Lister wakes up only to find out the Lows placed an implant into his spine that allows them to control his actions remotely. They force him to shut his nose in a cupboard, burn his groin with hot coffee, and eat a live tarantula. They then tape shut his mouth to prevent him warning anyone he is being controlled, and give him a knife, sending him to kill his friends. Under their control, Lister stabs High Lister and crushes High Rimmer's Light Bee. Luckily, Kryten manages to chloroform Lister before he can kill anyone else. They then manage to retrieve the remaining parts of the Triplicator.
After the original crew leaves the Low ship in Starbug, they destroy both duplicates with the now completed Triplicator by recombining the two copies. This causes all the Lows to disappear (except for Low Lister who had stowed away in a locker on Starbug).
- He and other Lows have visibly better relationships than the original crew.
- It is unknown where he gets a Holowhip from, as the Low ship is the duplicate of Red Dwarf and there is no Holowhip on the original.
- However, in the episode Holoship Lister pretends to have it on the board to scare a Hologram named Binks. Maybe he isn't joking and there is really a Holowhip in Red Dwarf, or the Triplicator copies also the crew's thoughts.
- However, in the episode Holoship Lister pretends to have it on the board to scare a Hologram named Binks. Maybe he isn't joking and there is really a Holowhip in Red Dwarf, or the Triplicator copies also the crew's thoughts.
He was destroyed when the triplicator remade Red Dwarf from the two versions. (RD: Demons & Angels)