Tongue Tied
RD Welcome
Tongue Tied is a collaborative project to create the most definitive, accurate, and accessible encyclopedia and reference database for everything related to Red Dwarf.

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This wiki was started 7 November 2006. There are currently 1,401 articles and 3,219 images.
Today is 19 February, 2025.

"This is an S.O.S. distress call from the mining ship Red Dwarf. The crew are dead, killed by a radiation leak. The only survivors are Dave Lister, who was in suspended animation during the disaster, and his pregnant cat, who was safely sealed in the hold. Revived three million years later, Lister's only companions are a life-form who evolved from his cat, and Arnold Rimmer, a hologram simulation of one of the dead crew. Message ends."
-Holly (Series I)

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