The Padre was the chaplain at the Mimas test base.
An elderly West Indian man, the Padre was one of Ace Rimmer's best friends. He had grey hair, a moustache and wore half-moon glasses, as well as a black Biretta hat and a priest's collar and smoked a pipe. He bore an uncanny resemblance to The Cat.
When Ace returned from his record-breaking mission, the Padre welcomed him home, saying that Ace had been in everyone's prayers. Ace asked him about a boy named Tommy and the Padre was happy to say that he was recovering well, thanks to Ace sitting by his bedside and reading him stories for so long. Ace joked that it was better than having dinner with the admiral. Ace then invited the Padre to a celebratory dinner in the mess hall later that evening.
The Padre stood beside Bongo, Spanners and Mellie to see Ace off on his voyage in the Wildfire ship, wishing him "God speed" (RD: Dimension Jump).
Behind the scenes[]
Danny John-Jules had a couple of lines cut from the final version of "Dimension Jump", saying to an embarassed Ace that the money that Ace had donated had made a difference to Tommy's recovery. He also noticed the smell of maple syrup on Mellie later. He is also the only alter-ego from "Dimension Jump" not to appear in the novel Backwards, although a version of Olaf Petersen is included.