Notable Restaurants[]
- Better Than Life, Dave Lister and Cat dined at a fancy Restaurant in the BTL game where they could have a meal of whatever they wanted. Arnold Rimmer later joined them but was asked to Join the Officers table. ("Better Than Life").
- Titan Taj Mahal was a curry house that offered its diners the chance to enjoy authentic Indian cuisine at one-fifth gravity. They advertised before films at Red Dwarf's cinema. Lister, the Universe's biggest curry connoisseur, was of course familiar with it. ("Me²").
- Mimian restaurants. They are well known for the Mimian bladder fish dish.Arnold Rimmer pretended to be an officer and said he was off to try such Mimian/Mimosian cuisine to Dave Lister when he asked Lister (posing as a taxi driver in a stolen hopper) to take him to the red light district of Mimas. Rimmer claimed he wanted to try the Mimian bladder fish; an obvious lie since he had Lister take him to a droid brothel. (Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers)
- Mc Donald's. Dave Lister woke up in one on Mimas not knowing how he got there after a drunken London monopoly pub crawl on Earth. (Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers)
- Nice'n'noodly Kwik-food bar was a food bar located in the Mimas tourist terminal on Mimas. Dave Lister nabbed some left over food for his breakfast hear on his way to Gate 9 to catch a shuttle to Red Dwarf. (Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers)